40 Days for Life - Third Week of October 2023
Logging my third shift praying for the end of abortion
This is a log of my third visit to Planned Parenthood for the “40 Days for Life” prayer campaign for October 2023.
I did my third first shift tonight praying for the end of abortion for the “40 Days for Life” campaign. Again, the allotted time was 6 to 7 p.m. when the abortion facility is finishing its gruesome day. This evening the sidewalk was adorned with chalk art.
I took a couple of pictures before we began praying.
This evening we were told, “Get a life, losers!” by a young woman yelling from a passing car. One of my fellow prayer warriors responded to this by commenting, “Funny, that’s what we’re here for.” In fact, we would all love to have had some small involvement with saving a life.
We would gladly “get a life.”
I forgot to mention something that happened last week.
As I was leaving, a hippy-like fellow passed by me on the sidewalk, and giving me a wry smile, said “Great place, isn’t it?” pointing at the abortion center behind us.
“Yeah,” I replied, “if you like killing.” It was the best I could think of saying at that moment, before the moment passed. He kept walking, and said something else, but I could not hear what that was. I called out to him again, hoping for a dialog, but he kept on walking.