40 Days for Life - First Week of October 2023
Logging my first shift praying for the end of abortion
This is a log of our first visit to Planned Parenthood for the “40 Days for Life” prayer campaign for October 2023.
My son, Joe, and I did our first shift tonight praying for the end of abortion for the “40 Days for Life” campaign. Our allotted time was 6 to 7 p.m. when the abortion facility is finishing its gruesome day. I recorded one of our trips saying the rosary up and down the sidewalk in front of the abortion facility in the linked video above.
Do you know why I’m there? The 5th Commandment. Thou shall not kill. It’s as simple as that.
While we prayed, three drivers of passing cars gave us the finger (that I saw). Another young fellow shouted something to me that I could not hear. I returned his communication with a charming smile.
Two workers left the premises and walked down the sidewalk away from us. I prayed for them. I saw also to my disappointment the two cars driven by males picking up their female friends and driving off. I prayed for them as well.
The following are some images I took as we prayed.